Steep Walking


Druidale Road, Sulby

A medium sized plantation with others close by. Planted in the 60s with Spruce and Larch. “Manx Glens-a stroll through history” mentions a Mrs Kelly who lived next to it and provided walkers with cream teas. Sadly, she is no longer there, so your nearest café is at the Wildlife Park.

Ballaugh Glen

Ballaterson Fields, Ballaugh, IM7 5AN

Sitka spruce and Japanese larch make up the majority of the trees in this Glen which can be steep in places.There are also two large ponds at the base of the Glen which attract wildlife.


The Cooil Road, Braaid

Chibbanagh is a long narrow plantation of roughly 116 acres on the hillsides of Braaid planted with Spruce, Scots Pine and Larch in the 1960s. It has a well defined path running through it and so is attractive to Horse Riders. In 2014 it was badly hit by Larch disease and had to be closed […]

Claghbane Woods

Hairpin Bend, Mountain Road, Ramsey

Claughbane Woods can be accessed from the Hairpin bend just before Ramsey and leads to Lhery Frissell via Elfin Glen.  It is very steep in places with various paths cutting through about 64 acres and a variety of trees. A slate quarry used to exist on the site and it is this slate that was […]

Colden Plantation

West Baldwin Road, Injebreck

Colden Plantation is the twin to Injebreck Plantation rising steeply above Baldwin reservoir with well defined trails and a picnic area next to the car park on the main road to West Baldwin. It was planted between 1957 and 1961 with Sitka Spruce and Japanese Larch. It is used by IOM Trails for trail biking […]

Dhoon Glen

Ramsey Coast Road, Laxey

The Dhoon Glen is one of the steepest glens on the Island, and as such, has one of its largest waterfalls the Inneen Vooar (130ft). The trees that cover its slopes are mostly Ash, Elm and Birch. There is a cafe, Little Shed, at the entrance. In the 1880s and 1890s, the Manx Fairy used […]