1st Marown Scouts
Marown School, Glen Vine, IM4 4RD

Cubs meet at Marown School while Scouts meet at St John’s Methodist Church Hall.
Recent activities at Cubs have included visits to the Energy from Waste Plant and Manx Aviation Museum at Ronaldsway. Badges include a Conservation Badge, an Aviator Badge, and a Cyclists Badge.
The Scouts activities have included visiting the Energy from Waste Plant (along with the Cubs), a weekend camp at Ardwhallan, the Island Kayak Polo Competition at Peel Swimming Pool and a night hike from the Eyreton Road up onto the side of Slieu Ruy. Badges include the Biosphere Badge, the Forester Activity Badge and the Navigator Badge.
Opening Hours
Friday Cubs: 6.30-8.00pm
Scouts: 5.30-7pm