Short Stories and Ludicrous Tales Part performance, part comedy show but basically entertaining story telling, a short story reading and poetry night for grown ups in the Isle of Man. Often held at The Eatery but also at other locations across the Island. Read More
Signature by Robinsons Floristry Centre, Cooil Road, Braddan, IM4 2AF Robinsons promise same day delivery on all bouquets ordered before 12 noon. These long established Manx greengrocers and florists have a history of selling fresh produce. Read More
Sileau Freoaghane Near Barregarrow A small pile of stones, rests on the summit of the hill, left by walkers. The summit is technically a Marilyn, which means its not high enough, to be classified as a mountain. Does have some amazing views non the less. Read More
Sileau Whillian Foxdale Road, St Johns, IM4 3AS Sileau Whillian has a sad history as a place of execution. Hopefully it only happened once but a woman condemned as a witch was rolled down it in a spiked barrel. It is a steep walk up the hill through the plantation which was started in 1906. Read More
Sileu Managh-The Monk’s Moutain Sulby Glen Road/Mountain Road, Block Eairy, Sulby Can be a bit tricky to get to. This plantation is stocked with the usual Spruce, Pine and Larch which was often planted on the Island only this time in the 1980s rather than the 1960s. The Plantation has wide cycle trails for off road cycling. Worth visiting if you are in search of Manx […] Read More