Manx Gaelic Classes Since the reintroduction of Manx in schools in 1992, there has been a huge increase in the use of the language. There are various places on the Island to learn and practice Manx. Read More
Manx Game Fishing Club A club for those who love fly fishing and river fishing especially. Manx Game Fishing Club has beats at the Nunnery Estate, Douglas River; Kirby Park, River Dhoo; Port E Chee, River Glass and Union Mills, River Dhoo. Read More
Manx Gateway Club Greenfield Road, Douglas, IM2 6ED Formed in 1974, to provide leisure activities for those aged 16 or older who suffer from a mental handicap. Now with over 100 weekly members. Activities include: sports, arts and crafts, computer training, drama and singing. The Gateway Games are held every July and there is an annual Carol Service by the Gateway Choir. Read More
Manx Geocaching Explore the Island while treasure hunting. Find the hidden containers and tags. The Manx Geocaching website will show you how, using GPS enabled devises. The site also has two exciting games: A Virtual geocache, i.e. one where you have to answer questions rather than find a box. This is Cow and Chicken 🐄🐥 and Death in […] Read More
Manx Geological Survey The Isle of Man’s fascinating and varied geology lends itself to study. The evidence from the destruction of the Iapetus Ocean, the shift of tectonic plates and the orogeny of the Caledonian Mountain are all visible in the Island’s rock formations. The Geological Survey is able to share its findings through events including onsite lectures. Read More
Manx Gilbert and Sulivan Society In 1988, the Society had their debut performance ‘Trial by Jury’, which was followed the next year by ‘The Mikado’ at the Gaiety, for one night only. The company presented ‘The Pirates of Penzance’ in the Buxton festival in 1995. Since then they have increased their repertoire to other forms of musical theatre which they […] Read More