Isle of Man Golf Union 87 Fairways Drive , Mount Murray, Braddan, IM4 2JF Golf is a club-and-ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible. Golf, unlike most ball games, cannot and does not utilize a standardized playing area, and coping with the varied terrains encountered on different courses is a key […] Read More
Isle of Man Handball Association A team sport, of seven a side, played on a 40 by 20 meter court, with a 6 meter goal, guarded by a goal keeper. The game is won by only using the hands to pass the ball and score goals. Read More
Isle of Man Hockey Umpiring Association The Hockey Umpiring Association’s website is a good resource to find future games, matches and events. Read More
Isle of Man Karate-Kobudo Federation Henry Bloom Noble Primary School, Westmoreland Road, Douglas, IM1 4AQ Karate is a martial art created in the Ryukyu Kingdom which was part of Japan until 1879. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts under the influence of Kung Fu, particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, […] Read More
Isle of Man Lion’s Club The Lion’s Club is a fundraising charity which helps people in need. It is affiliated to Manx Children in Need. Read More