Time Enough
The Beginning
Before we even launched our site, we spent two years researching and collating information, so that Time Enough would be the most comprehensive and accurate website for people living on the Isle of Man, to find out what was going on and where. It was a huge task, and to be frank, sometimes even a boring one. Each entry has to be typed in individually and checked. We had problems with Google maps. Google maps had problems with the Isle of Man, there were long international telephone calls and long nights looking at coding. Finally it all worked.
What did people want? What would make the site quick and easy to use, so that we could give out information in the shortest time. No long videos, just who, where, when and how much will it cost?
We needed to design a logo, and decide on what the website would look and feel like. We needed the website to be easy to use. It has taken a few attempts. We are still making changes to the design.
Everyone loves a photo, so we built a library that we could use, thousands of photographs, hand-picked. Thank you everyone who has sent us photos.
We tried listing community events, and it was just too much. We did learn just how many weekly classes and events are happening on the Island and it is impressive. Thank you, all the amazing people, often volunteers, who run the drop-in centres, rehearsals, training sessions and group activities. You make the Island a special place to live. Please check to see that we have listed your organisation
We list clubs and charities under locations on the website, so if you do want to find something to join on a regular basis, take a look at our listings.
Get inspired, take a chance and go.